I've been thinking, all in a sudden I felt that something is bothering me. The word SUCCESS. What is it to me?
SUCCESS. There is no reason why one person could not achieve success. Which I believe many of us will agree to it. However, to achieve success there are few steps to follow and it is definitely not as easy as saying.
Step no 1. you must first DETERMINE what is the meaning of success to you? Is it about getting rich, living in luxury and gets all the finest things in the world? You may have more than one definition of SUCCESS. Well, the definition of success differs from one to another. So you are the ONLY one person that can determine whether you are a successful or not as you are the one who sets the definition of success for yourself.
Speaking of SUCCESS, I wish to have a happy life in this world and JANNAH thereafter. There are too many barriers in life that I wish to overcome to achieve this, and frankly I am not sure how to achieve them all. SO?
This is where Step no 2 comes to picture. You must now set your goal. For example I wish to have a happy life here and thereafter, so my goal is that I must be a good Muslimah doing good deeds so I’ll able to get JANNAH thereafter. And I must have a good career to support my second mission to live a happy life here in this world. Having said so, what I should do now?
Once you are done with Step 2, you can start making strategies on how you can achieve that SUCCESS. Imagine STRATEGY as a battalion of army fully equip with weapon that will execute your command. This is a critical factor which you must always think of, what do your army needs? Strategies properly so that you army can assist you to win. Put your entire mind into it. Push your thinking to the limit so you will gain the best out of it. These it your Step no 3.
For example, I wish to achieve JANNAH. And my goal is to be a good Muslimah, so my strategy is that I shall do good deeds and improve my ibadah to Allah.
Step no 4 is EXECUTION of your strategy. Your army (STRATEGY) is ready to move and the war begins. Taking the above example, I am now ready to move forward in reaching JANNAH. I pray, recite Quran, doing good deeds, giving Sedekah. What are those? That is called the EXECUTION of my strategy.
Step 5 TAWAKAL is where many Muslims always forget to do. Put SUCCESS as your final destination, I am sure that there is going to be hurdles along the way. My advice is that you must have patience and faith to move on. Why I said that?
Two things that you must bring along the trip to your destination are WILL & PRAYERS. You must never give up and pray that Allah will be with you always. He is the one that will make all your wishes comes true. Once you have work for something, pray that Allah will make your work a SUCCESS. The Almighty Allah is the only one that you should turn to in your bright or cloudy days.
Though road to success is never seems easy, you must always have faith in Allah S.W.T. as He knows what is best for you. Things that you might think good for you may not be good after all. Many fail to achieve satisfaction in life as they set goal for ‘SUCCESS’ which is too high for them to achieve.
My advice for you and to myself as well is that we should always be positive in our life. Just keep in mind that whenever you fail to get something that you want in life, Allah has another better plan for you..
May Allah bless us all.
i am so much agree & very inspired wif ur words..thank u 4 expressing what actually bothering me too all this while...our success is depend on our own interpretation of success..when other people think that success for them is to be rich @ having fabulous job & life while for us success is just a simple,happy,healthy & free of mind from any burden,debt @whatsoever..then they cannot say that they are more successful than us......thanx again (",)
ReplyDeletethanks is not life without a challenge..and there is no success without a price..may Allah bless us all..and i am so thankfull that those words of mine can inspired you..tq..take care